This year we have three resolutions that iwi members will be asked to vote on in a postal vote. These votes relate to Tamanuhiri Tutu Poroporo Trust (the post-settlement governance entity) and the Ngai Tamanuhiri Whanui Trust (charitable entity).
Voting papers will be distributed to you via post from 23 October 2018 and you will have until 20 November 2018 to return your completed voting papers. If you miss this date, you will have a final opportunity to vote at the hui-a-tau in person.
You must be registered to vote on these important kaupapa!
Nominations have now closed for the 2018 Trustee election for the Tāmanuhiri Tūtū Poroporo Trust.
The confirmed candidates for the two ordinary vacancies (2 vacancies for a 3 year term) on the Trust are:
EMMERSON Athena NGARANGIOUE Angus WILSON (Wirihana) Tanith
As more than two nominations were received, an election will be held by postal voting to confirm the Trustees required. Voting papers will be posted to adult registered members of the Tāmanuhiri Tūtū Poroporo Trust from Tuesday 23 October 2018.
Postal voting will close at 5pm on Tuesday 20 November 2018. Voting papers may also be returned at the Hui-a-tau (AGM) on Saturday 24 November 2018.
Elections NZ Contact Anthony Morton Returning Officer – Tāmanuhiri Tūtū Poroporo Trust PO Box 3138 | Christchurch | 0800 666 045 | [email protected] | 10 October 2018
We appointed Kensington Swan lawyer Mihiarangi Piripi to facilitate an independent process for the review of the Tamanuhiri Tutu Poroporo Trust Deed. Watch a video below to provide you with background as to why we had to undertake the review.
Mihiarangi facilitated two online hui, and two face to face hui and these were open to all iwi members to attend, Mihi also received feedback from individuals via email.
All of the feedback from the consultation process has been collated and we now have a proposed document with amendments to our current Deed to meet the current legislative and best-practice requirements and to make sure that we as a Trust can deliver the best possible outcomes for our Iwi.
You will receive the final document in the post, you will be asked to review this and then vote yes or no to the Trust Deed amendments.
This is an administrative process that will ensure we can continue to manage assets correctly. You will receive a detailed paper explaining this resolution.