Year |
Milestone |
1992 |
Ngāi Tāmanuhiri claim filed |
2002 |
Waitangi Tribunal Hearings |
2003 |
Ngāi Tāmanuhiri Whānui Trust secures Deed of Mandate to negotiate Tāmanuhiri claims |
2004 |
Waitangi Tribunal Report released |
2005 |
Ngāi Tamanuhiri Deed of Mandate is recognised by the Crown |
2007 |
Terms of Negotiations established under Tūranga Manu Whiriwhiri |
2008 |
Agreement in Principle signed on 29 August 2008 |
2009 |
Develop of Settlement initialled 17 December, Te Muriwai Marae |
2010-2011 |
Ratification of Deed of Settlement & Post Settlement Governance Entity |
2011 |
Deed of Settlement & PSGE signed as ratified (approved by majority vote) |
Jul 2012 |
Settlement legislation passed |
Aug 2012 |
Transfer of Assets, establishment of Tāmanuhiri Tūtū Poroporo Trust and Wharerata Forest Ltd |
74 Grey Street, Level 4
Gisborne 4010 PO Box 746 Gisborne 4040 |