He puna, he puna
He wai murimuri He wai ora te puna He wai-ari, he wai-kirikiri Whakaeaea-a-rangi Tau mai te marino Te ruku ora o tai roimata Te mana-aki e ripo nei i te wai-mārama Te pure, te wairea Whakaeaea-a-rangi e…i! |
Fortifying waters Rejuvenating springs Clear waters, sandy waters Fulfilling waters Bringing calm Immersing in emotion Elevating realms of enlightenment Cleansing, clearing Fulfilled |
He hauwaho e
E rongo nei i te hauwaho Mātai te titiro ki te paerangi Ki tōku whenua houkura Ki Te Kō(w)hai, ki Papatewhai He tohu o te waiora He tohu o te whakaora Ka mihi ki te rongo Ka mihi ki te marino e Ko Mihimarino, ko Rangitauwhiwhia e! |
A Seabreeze
An awakening Searching the horizon To my Paradise To(wards) Te Kō(w)hai, to(wards) Papatewhai A symbol of vitality A symbol of rejuvenation Paying homage to the essence Paying homage to the calm Mihimarino, Rangitauwhiwhia! |
Tēnā i whiua!
E rongo nei i ngā kohimuhimu Mai i Mihimarino ki Te Kurī Mai i Whā-korekore-te-kai ki Mātiti Mai i Tawatapu ki Kaitoki e! He tira haramai, he tira haramai! He taiwhakarunga, he taiwhakararo He mana whakaeke nei Ki runga ki a Tāmanuhiri e! Haramai rā ki te pōhiri o Te Huauri Haramai rā ki Te Muriwai e Me ruku koe i ngā takutai moana Kia rongo mai koe i ngā paru o Tūranganui-ā-Kiwa Kei ngaua koe i ngā niho, ngā niho o Moremore e Ka tika rā, ka tika rā Haere mai! Haere mai! Haere mai! Haere mai! Auē ki taku hui - Hi! |
Let it fly!
‘Tis heard the whispers from Mihimarino to Te Kuri from Wha-korekore-te-kai to Matiti From Tawatapu to Kaitoki! A group is approaching! From the highlands or from the lowlands Mana is approaching Onto Tāmanuhiri! Come hither to this welcome of Te Huauri Come hither to Te Muriwai If you were to immerse in the waters You would feel the essence of Tūranganui-ā-Kiwa You will be bitten by the teeth of Moremore That will be so Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! To this gathering - Hi! |
E rere nei i taku reo
Waihoki rā taku mana Ko Te Muriwai kei runga E kapakapa ake rā E manaaki nei i ngā iwi E tieki nei te haukāinga Te matenga o Hamuera Ka takaia ka whakahoki Ka kawea mai i te taonga Ki roto o Te Muriwai Ko te haki, ko te mauri O Ngāi Tāmanuhiri e …i! |
My voice soars
Likewise my mana Te Muriwai above Fluttering away Caring for the people Protecting our homepeople At the passing of Hamuera Wrapped and returned The treasure that was brought Into Te Muriwai The flag, the mauri of Ngāi Tāmanuhiri! |
74 Grey Street, Level 4
Gisborne 4010 PO Box 746 Gisborne 4040 |